


This study focuses on discussing the knowledge systems and language phenomena

which are developed from the viewpoints of human body. In varied languages in the

world, the templates of spatial orientation include celestial bodies, landscape, and body

parts, in which, the terms of spatial orientation for body parts hold a major proportion.


The main numeral systems are all developed from body parts. The transfer of body part

terms follows these principles: (1) from up to down, (2) from front to back, and( 3) from

part to whole. The body part terms are often extended to denote other animate or

inanimate objects. The application principles include some factors like shape, size,

function, and related position. However, a few terms are derived from other terms, for

example, utensils and relative appellations, and then are expanded to body part terms.


The body part terms applying in languages are ubiquitous. Many radicals of Chinese

characters come from the body part terms, in which, a total of 24 parts are as the

radicals. Many body part terms belong to daily vocabularies. All above mentioned can

be demonstrated that the significance of body part terms in language application.   


The usage of body part terms is usually metaphorical, and almost all body part terms

 have this kind of usage, which hugely broaden the scope of usage of the body part

terms. This study temporarily classifies the metaphor usage and enumerates some

 actual examples.   



Version: 徐常智


This article is discussing the knowledge system and language phenomenon, which developed

from the dimension of body part. The template of spatial orientation in each language includes

celestial body, land, and body part.


The bulk of body part was adopted generally in spatial orientation. Most major numbers and

words were derived and named from body part. The name of transition of body part has to comply

with the following principle: 1. up to down 2. front to back 3. part to all.


The denominations of body part can be applied to some living and lifeless things. Its rules

included some principles as below: shape, size, function, position. On the contrary, a small number

of name of body parts were denominated from other things. Such as: equipments and relatives.


The denominations of body part were widely used in language application. Many Chinese

radicals derived from our body part. There are 24 body parts adopted in total. Many

denominations of body parts were categorized to elementary words and phrases. It is obvious for

us to seize the importance of body parts which be applied in language application.


Metaphor is a common use in the denominations of body part, de facto, not exactly so.It can

widely broaden the using scope of denominations of body part. We had classified the use of

metaphor in this article. You will see more examples afterward.



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